A traditional Magento eCommerce store typically uses theme elements to define the store’s interface. In turn, the Magento storefront application offers a completely different approach to creating an interface using storefront applications, read more here https://www.gomage.com/magento-2-pwa/storefront/.
What is the Magento theme and Magento storefront application?
A Magento theme is a special type of component that is responsible for how an e-commerce store will look like. This component depends on the main Magento code and is deeply integrated with the application itself. The Magento theme is installed exclusively on top of the base theme. By default, the platform offers two themes – Luma and Blank, which, with the help of developers, can be customized or extended to create personalized storefronts.
All new Magento themes are developed based on the parent theme. All base theme files originate from Magento Blank. All subsequent themes necessarily use the base files, which are further customized by the developers.
PWA Showcases are based on the work of progressive web apps that were built using dedicated PWA Studio tools. This concept includes a special application wrapper. Compared to the Magento theme, the storefront app does not use the parent theme. Instead, the application includes React modules that provide various tasks and functions.
Magento PWA storefront behaves similarly to native apps, but unlike them, it is web-oriented, which allows you to achieve better responsiveness and efficiency in practice. You have an opportunity to learn about the PWA Storefront and get more familiar with the robust frontend theme. The most up-to-date Magento PWA developments allow improving the storefront of web stores by rejecting ineffective modalities and activating a modern programming language.
Why should you apply PWA in Magento?
All e-commerce professionals agree that the future of online sales will be PWA. Progressive Web Apps provide flexible and innovative interactions with your customer base. At the same time, PWAs enable innovation and provide a high level of customer retention. Companies that use Magento without PWA integration have less potential than brands that have adopted a more responsive way to reach customers.
As we can see, the Magento 2 platform offers a huge variety of improvements over the first version. PWA showcases can make Magento more accessible, responsive, and, at the same time, an interesting solution for the majority of customers who are used to searching and ordering products on the Internet via mobile devices. In addition to the obvious advantages, PWA allows you to actively use the most modern web design capabilities for e-commerce.