DevOps is an IT philosophy that integrates the development and operations teams within an organization. The entire premise of DevOps is to improve internal communication and transparency, push applications to the frontline as quick as possible, reduce instances of human error, and deploy secured code time and time again. Overall, DevOps is viewed as a powerful way for businesses to grow without compromising code integrity. Yet, despite the fact that using DevOps to scale up is completely feasible, many developers remain resistant to its implementation.
The fact is, change is scary—even when the end results are better for the business. Developers with decades of experience suddenly find themselves inundated with new technology, methodologies, and software culture movements like DevOps that have only been around for a decade. Although your fears may be understandable, it’s important to overcome them. The following is a list of common reasons why some people are hesitant to adopt the DevOps philosophy, and why you shouldn’t let those concerns become permanent barriers.
Reason #1: Business Involvement
In the past, developers could crank out code and focus exclusively on the end product. With DevOps, their roles are much more closely integrated with business and operations. However, software engineers are not always business savvy, and in fact, some developers have chosen their careers because they prefer to work under more independent and compartmentalized conditions.
For instance, traditional developers might be accustomed to being analyzed by simple development metrics, like lines of code, but with DevOps, they are held to a higher standard and a more complex set of metrics. They must not only learn to improve their communication skills, but to also think of the product from a stakeholder point of view.
And yet, having this connection to the operational end can offer a much more comprehensive view of your work. When you focus on only the development side, it’s easy to get tunnel vision and become lost in the project, with no real regard to the what and why. DevOps allows for a complete, high-level overview.
Reason #2: Too Much Time
Many developers have complained that when DevOps is implemented, they spend far too much time testing and less time writing code. And furthermore, the actual process of bringing a new set of processes into the mix is time-consuming; becoming educated and taking the time to learn new strategies and technologies is a hurdle that some organizations don’t believe is worth jumping over.
It might feel as though you aren’t getting too much done when you’re writing less code, but it’s important to appreciate that a high level of testing goes a long way. It ensures that you are deploying quality code that will save you from bugs and headaches later down the line. As developers, it’s important to focus on preventative maintenance, and that starts and ends with thorough testing. Every developer should care about how their code looks in the real world; rather than focusing on the number of lines, focus on the quality.
The time and effort you put into learning more about DevOps also helps you secure your position as a developer. The future of development lies in cloud-based applications, and in the future, finding a great position that works outside of the modern DevOps cycle will become more difficult.
Reason #3: Job Loss
Automation plays a huge role in DevOps. Many of the processes that were manually completed are now automated. And sometimes, this creates a fear of not being needed. Containers are a major culprit here. Containers allow developers to build, test, and deploy code, stripping long-time developers of a chunk of drawn-out tasks. As a result, developers might feel that they will be automated out of their own positions.
However, automation in DevOps is merely a tool, and not intended to replace people. Automation can eliminate those time-consuming, tedious tasks, freeing up time for developers to solve real problems, conjure up creative solutions, and build better products. New technology will always thrive to automate predictable, everyday tasks, but the result is the ability to focus on high-order tasks.
Lastly, it’s important to note that several studies and surveys have found that DevOps engineers are highly sought after. In 2018, it was the most recruited position on LinkedIn, and on Indeed, job listings for DevOps developers went up by 91% in just three years. This proves that DevOps isn’t killing jobs; it’s creating them.