You may not realize it, but your business card is an important tool in marketing your product or services to people you meet. It serves as an introduction between you and a potential customer or business partner. The physical act of handing something tangible serves as the initial point of interaction, like a firm handshake that inspires trust in the other person.
Even in this digital age filled with emails and social media, it still plays a key role by telling people the story about you and your brand. A well-crafted business card can do more than just carry basic details about you like your name and contact information, it can actually get you an appointment, direct traffic to your website, or even drive people to search about your brand on social media or search engines.
Why do you need a business card?
When you meet people for the first time, you have to give them something to remember you by. It will make them think of you and give you a call when they need your product or service. To achieve this effect, your business card must first be interesting enough to make people want to keep it.
Impressive business cards in brisbane will help you get the attention of your prospects, briefly introduce who you are and what you offer.So, if you feel that your card is not working for you in this way, it is time to take a closer look and make some improvements.
How to upgrade your business card
Having all your information written on a small piece of paper is not enough to make people take notice because yours is not the only business card they receive. To create an impression, and more importantly, a lasting one, your card needs to stand out from the stack of cards on their table. Here are some of the ways you can upgrade your business card:
1. Know who you are and who you are talking to
Before drafting your business card design, start first with understanding your prospective clients and partners, what they are looking for, and what you can offer that is of value to them. Your card can bring all this information together in one small space. For example, a business targeting people proficient in technology would have a QR code in their card that links to the company or brand website, while one that wants to reach active social media users would put the brand’s social handles on the card instead.
Then think of the one thing that you want people to remember about you and your brand. Is it about having the fastest service or the best product quality? Or maybe you are most proud of the company’s history and how it started. It can also be how fast your company has grown over the years. Whatever it is, write it down and write it well because this is what comes to mind when they think of you.
2. Maintain your Identity
After nailing down the information to be included, consider now what it should look like. The design of your business card is what will initially attract people to look at it, even before they read what it says. But more importantly, it should clearly communicate your distinct identity and not look like a copy of some other business.
To craft the correct business card design for your company, make sure that the colors will resonate well with your audience and represent your brand in the right way. Keep the layout simple and readable as too much clutter will only make the information difficult to digest.
3. Consider the quality
The type of material, the finish, and the vividness of the color and print all say something about your company. A floppy, dull-looking business card looks cheap and would create a bad impression that your business is low on budget and is not doing well. On the other hand, a shiny and sturdy material shows off a luxurious feeling and tells everyone that you care about quality and are not afraid to pay for it.
However, this does not mean that you should spend more than you can afford. Look at different printing options available to you and find the right balance between quality and price.
4. Experiment with shapes and sizes
Gone are the days when business cards are only rectangular-shaped small pieces of paper that are cut in the exact same size. Now, more and more people are becoming creative and even use the cut and size of the card as another way of telling their brand story.
Using a unique shape and size for your card would not only generate interest when you hand it over, but also make it stand out from a stack of cards on another person’s table and immediately grab attention. Play around with different shapes and sizes but remember to not make it inconvenient for the receiver to find a good storage place for it.
5. Add a call to action
Lastly, you can increase your chances of people actually keeping your business card by adding a call to action. A simple offer, such as an invitation to visit the company’s website and receive a welcome gift or a special discount, immediately creates a closer connection with the other person as they start to interact with your business.
Business cards are not just as simple as a directory. It is your very own advertising space; you should make the most of it for the benefit of your company. Give it a little more attention, and you may just be surprised at the results you could get from it.