Exodus Kodi:- If you’re looking for a Kodi add-on to stream unlimited and free movies and TV shows, you’ve found it in Exodus. The Exodus Kodi add-on grants you access to a varied library of online streaming sources, bringing you the latest movies and TV shows straight to Kodi. However, Exodus has gone through some dramatic changes, so it may not be the best option for you. Nonetheless, this guide will teach you how to install exodus kodi 17.Read on to discover more about Exodus, including:
- Installation information for an older, still viable version of Exodus Kodi
- Exodus replacements and how to install them
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Update: While you can still find, and download Exodus from several repositories, we do not recommend it. The addon is not maintained and was uploaded and updated in a repository that may be compromised.
Exodus Kodi Addon: Installation Walkthrough
Exodus Kodi has changed hands a few times. Previously, it was transferred over to the TV Add-ons site and development team. However, now that TVADDONS has removed all gray area add-ons, Exodus can be found in a few different repositories. Exodus Kodi firestick was pretty popular.
However, all noteworthy add-on developers have officially dropped support for Exodus. Although a formerly discontinued Github account, lewblack125, had reappeared and was adding updated versions of various add-ons, including Exodus, they themselves said that sometimes Exodus Kodi not working might happen.
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To that effect, we do not recommend you use Exodus. While older versions of this addon are still available, they may not work well and may be compromised as well. We have left installation information below for those that still wish to use the last trustworthy version of this addon. Instead, use a Kodi Exodus replacement. We recommend users try out the more trustworthy and regularly updated latest version of Exodus, Covenant. You can learn the Covenant install Kodi through this guide.
Option 1: Most Recent Version: Agent 47 Repository
The Cyper’s Locker repository, which holds many several different Kodi addon add-ons, is the newest home for the COLDFIRE version of Exodus Kodi. Considering Exodus is a community favorite, it comes as no surprise that someone decided to pick it up after Smash decided to drop support in favor of a new Exodus fork, Covenant.
To install Exodus Kodi through the Cypher’s Locker repo, do the following:
- Open Kodi and select the Settings (gear symbol) option at the top left of the screen
- Head to File manager
- Click on Add source at the bottom
- Where you see <None>, click on it, and then type in or copy/paste the following web address: http://cypher-media.com/repo/
- Give it a name at the bottom, such as “CyphersLocker” and click OK
- Head back to your Kodi home screen and select Addons on the left
- Select the Package Symbol (top left)
- Select Install from zip
- Locate your CyphersLocker FTP connection and select it (you should find this on the first screen after clicking on Install from zip)
- Select the zip file located there to install it
- Return to the screen with Install from zip and head to Install from repository
- Locate your Cypher’s Locker repository and click on it
- Click on Video add-ons and then Exodus
- Finally, click Install to add Exodus to your library (or Update if you are here to update Exodus)
Option 2: Smash Repository
The Smash Repository is a new repo that we are keeping an eye on. You can install the Exodus Kodi addon from Smash using the following method:
- From your Kodi home screen, select the Settings (gear symbol) option at the top left of the screen
- Go to File manager
- Locate and click on Add source at the bottom
- Find the <None> and click on it, and then type in or copy/paste the following web address: http://mediarepos.net/kodistuff/
- At the bottom, name it Smash Repo and click OK
- Return to your Kodi home screen and select Addons on the left
- Click the Package Symbol (top left)
- Select Install from zip
- Locate your Smash Repo FTP connection and select it (you should find this on the first screen after clicking on Install from zip)
- Select the REPO.zip file you find in the folder. You will receive a successful installation message on the top right of the screen
- Return to the screen with Install from zip and click on Install from repository
- Locate the Smash Repository and select it
- Click on Video addons
- Locate Exodus and click on it, then click on Install. Note that if you have several other repositories installed that also have this addon, you’ll see a list of installation locations. Be sure to choose Smash, but if you see a repository with a more recent version, opt for that one instead
What if Exodus Kodi does not work?
Issues like exodus kodi disappeared, kodi exodus no stream available, kodi not working on firestick, kodi not working on android, exodus could not connect to repository, exodus failed to install a dependency or kodi exodus disappeared.
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The main reason behind exodus no stream available 2017 is that Exodus is no longer being updated. Instead a kodi exodus replacement is suggested rather than trying to find out how to update exodus on firestick, why exodus kodi no stream available or why kodi not working on firestick 2017.
What is Kodi Covenant?
It is a program similar to kodi that is used in case of ‘exodus disappeared from kodi 2017’ or ‘config wizard error kodi’ error. In covenant vs exodus kodi, covenant wins because it is constantly being updated. Covenant Kodi review has been good in the internet community. The Covenant Kodi Reddit community is also strong. It is a good kodi exodus alternative 2017 and you will not need a kodi covenant replacement.
Here is a guide on how to install covenant on Kodi firestick.
How to Install Covenant Kodi on Firestick?
The addon and its repository currently sit on the same site hosted by the developer Smash, who runs the Smash Repository. Smash is where you’ll find a few other popular add-ons, such as the most recent versions of the kodi addons covenant, as well as updated versions for The Royal We and SALTS (Stream All The Sources).
The Covenant Kodi firestick addon exists in a new repository, the Colossal Repository. You can either install the Colossal Repo, or you can install Covenant directly from the Colossal Repo through Github.
If you want the latest version of Covenant Kodi download without issues, we suggest using the direct Github download. Covenant Exodus Kodi is a reliable software. Note, however, that this method means you may not get automatic updates and you may be missing some dependencies.
Option 1: Direct Zip Download
To install Covenant directly through Github, do the following:
- Go to the following web address to find the latest version of Covenant: https://github.com/Colossal1/repository.colossus/tree/master/plugin.video.covenant
- Click on the most recently updated version of the zip file
- On the next screen, click on Download
- Open Kodi, and go to Add-ons
- Click on the Package symbol
- Click on Install from zip
- Locate where you saved the Covenant zip file onto your computer (usually somewhere in the C: drive) and click on it to install Covenant
Option 2: Colossus Repository
The Colossus Repository can no longer be added directly. Instead, you’ll need to install Colossus repository from within the SMASH Repository.
Below, we’ve provided some guidance on how to find Colossus within the SMASH repo.
- From your Kodi home screen, click on Add-ons
- Next, select the Package Symbol on the top left
- Next, click on Install from repository
- Locate the SMASH repository and click on it
- Next, click Add-on Repositories
- From there, locate and click on Colossal Repository, then click Install
- After receiving a successful installation message on the top right, return to the screen to the repositories list and locate Colossal Repository. You’ll find Covenant located under Video Add-ons.
I Can’t Download the Colossal Repository. Now What?
If you are currently experiencing issues trying to download the Colossal Repository, just keep trying. It does not mean Covenant Kodi not working. As mentioned above, a significant number of requests is causing access issues on the site. This is likely to be a temporary issue. Unfortunately, the Covenant Kodi addon currently exists in only one location, so if you can’t access it from the Mediarepos.net location, you won’t be able to get it anywhere else.
If you managed to download the Colossal Repository, but are receiving “Addon Installation Failed” messages, this is also because of the server load. Keep trying to download the addon. When trying to access this addon for our guide, we also experienced several error messages before a successful download attempt occurred.