Yes, the truth is that in most cases, when you open up a new hotmail account, you experience some difficulties getting your account functional and as you like it, no matter the particular account it is. Now, the hotmail team, just like any other internet application will always want to make things easy for you. This is done by making a lot of suggestions for you. These suggestions come in so many ways. It might be to show you the way to more information on the product you are using. It might also be to get you to an alternative that offers similar services in case you are interested in such, and it can be to show you a shortcut to the service you demand. When you open a new account, you are not sent into the inbox directly. There are some other options given to you and you just have to know how to handle them.
Procedures for handling a new account
When you sign up for a new account, you will be taken into your hotmail box “homepage.” When you are here, you will not be allowed to get to your inbox immediately as a sort of film will cover the screen with the inscription “welcome to your new inbox.” This will then give you a lot of options, and allow you to choose one. You will have an option to “take a tour.” If you choose this, it will simply take you through a list of instructions on how to make use of your inbox. There is also an option for “ tips,” which will take you through a lot of tips on the email service you are using. All these are very important for you and you need the information given in them. But if you are already familiar with the workings of the, no matter the type, you simply have to click the option that says “check your inbox, we sent you a mail.” If you don’t want to do it this way, you go ahead and click the very bold arrow that says “continue to inbox.” This will then take you to your inbox.
When you are in the inbox, you might not be allowed to send an email, until you have verified your account. You can do this by clicking “verify” in the message that will appear on your screen and filling the information demanded.
This will take you to the account summary, where you will have the chance to make changes to your information. You can change your username or add an alias. You can also change your display name and edit your personal info and display name.
After this, you now click save, and it will take you back to the “options” page
The benefits of taking care of these are to make you the real owner of your email box. When your account is verified, it will give you the leverage to recover your password whenever it gets lost. When you edit your account summary, you make the account and manage it as you wish.