Unfortunately, software development is costly. If you are going to be investing at all in software development, you will want to look for ways to minimize the total cost you are expected to pay. Luckily, there is a way you can reduce costs without necessarily sacrificing quality. Below, we will be going through some of the benefits of outsourcing software development to India. The many benefits of outsourcing software development to India:
1. Cost Savings
For one, you are going to be able to save a significant amount of money by outsourcing the development process. India is one of the best countries to consider outsourcing the development because they have the most affordable software developers. Because of the tremendous surplus, you are getting with offshore software development company; you will be able to save a lot of money that you would otherwise have to spend. Being able to save money on the development costs can benefit to businesses that have a limited budget significantly. The cost to hire a developer in India will be considerably cheaper than it would cost to hire an equivalent developer in a more developed country. This alone is reason enough to consider India as the preferred country to hire talent. You are getting experienced developers at a fraction of the cost.
2. Communication
Another reason why you will want to consider India as the preferred country to outsource your development would be the communication that you will be able to retain. A lot of businesses might not be interested in outsourcing to different countries because of the presumed communication barrier. While India doesn’t have English as the primary language, it is widely taught and spoken throughout the country. Because of this, you are going to be able to maintain a high level of communication with your development team. This is essential if you want to be able to get the most out of the project. Without a language barrier, you will be able to have clear and seamless communication with your development team.
3. Time Zone
Another benefit that you are going to be able to benefit from when you end up hiring an offshore software development company from India would be the time zone advantage. Because India is around 9 hours ahead of the United States, it makes for a good time differential to have working on your site. This means as your customers are sleeping, they will be able to work on your website to get it done during non-peak times. This alone is going to make it much easier to perform software maintenance and site maintenance.
4. Experience
As mentioned, you are going to be able to choose from a vast pool of developers with a lot of experience. You will be able to access developers that have a lot more experience than you might otherwise be able to tap into. If you were to hire an experienced developer in the United States, it would cost you a significant amount of money. Whereas, because the talent pool is so wide and because the cost of living is lower, you will be able to get developers with a lot of experience for a fraction of the price. Therefore, you won’t have to sacrifice the experience of the developers you end up hiring. This alone would make it worth outsourcing to India because you might have to choose from much less experienced developers if you want to hire within your respective budget range if you didn’t.
5. Talent
Likewise, you will be able to choose from a huge talent pool that you might not have access to in your home country. India has a lot of talent in software development, and you will even be able to find specialists in other areas that you might need, including design, testing, and even in project managers. Therefore, you should be able to find a developer or a development company with everything that you need talent-wise to get your software developed the exact way you intended for it to be developed.
Overall, there are so many different benefits that you would be able to get by hiring a software developer from India. India is one of the best countries to outsource this kind of development because the country has a lot of qualified and experienced developers ready and willing to work with you. Along with this, it comes with a variety of other benefits, including having less of a communication barrier because the majority of the country and qualified workforce speaks English. Therefore, you will be able to communicate in English and get across the things that you need to. This is going to end up making the partnership with your development team much more fluid and seamless.