Gaming can be a complex hobby and a real challenge for newbies. It can also be one of the most rewarding, addictive, and time-consuming pursuits. Is this your first time PC gaming? Do you have little or perhaps zero gaming experience on a desktop or laptop? Here are tips to help you enhance your experience.
Know Where To Get Your Games
If you’re a new gamer, you want to get your games in trusted local gaming or digital stores. Now, there are many local gaming stores around the world that sell your favorite games, but if you truly want to enjoy every game’s perks and additional content, we highly recommend getting them in digital platforms such as Steam.
Steam is one of the best platforms to find great games. It is also considered the most popular and most reliable online gaming service available today. As of 2019, Steam has more than 47 million active users, making it the biggest gaming marketplace today. However, Steam isn’t the only platform you can use. Aside from Steam, there are also other storefronts such as the Epic Store, GOG, Origin, Uplay.
What makes Steam the best digital marketplace/platform for games? Not only does Steam have all kinds of genre of games you want, but it also has all the latest and most anticipated games from big to small developers. Plus, you can set steam to automatically update your game. So if you clicked “Auto updates”, it will update your game as soon as there’s one available. Registering in Steam is also free, and you can use Paypal or your credit card to make purchases.
Important Tip: Valve’s Steam is widely known for its seasonal sales. If you’re trying to save money, try to wait a month or two for the next holidays so that you can take advantage of discounts. You can add games on your wishlist and you’ll automatically get updates once it’s on sale!
Take Good Care of Your PC
Even the most high-end PC’s can run into problems if not given proper care and attention. One most important thing that’s often overlooked by even pro gamers is the regular cleaning and maintenance of their PC. If you want your PC to have a longer life, keep it clean and dust-free. You can do this by cleaning its case by using a dust filter or canned air. You can also purchase cooling fans and other accessories to make sure your PC doesn’t overheat from overuse.
Run Updates Frequently
Keep your PC in its optimal state and performance by running updates as frequently as possible. Your hardware’s performance is crucial to your gaming experience. A slow computer can cause lag and affect your game!
Updating your PC can be done regularly by rebooting your computer when windows asks for an update and unloading unneeded data as often as possible. Rebooting once a day also ensures that your PC will always run smoothly. You should also update your graphics driver to eliminate all kinds of performance issues.
By running updates and making sure all your gaming software are running properly, you can enjoy the best gaming experience your PC can offer. It will also lessen the risk of your PC getting different kinds of malware and viruses.
Invest in Proper Gaming Equipment
Gaming can be an expensive hobby and if you’re constrained by a tight budget, you may find that building your dream gaming setup can be very frustrating. This is mostly true for tech novices who doesn’t know how to put together a PC or look for one that will cope with today’s games.
Just like you wouldn’t use a bread knife for cutting meat, you wouldn’t use a regular PC for gaming, especially if you’re going to be playing games that take up so much power, memory, and RAM. PCs can be very complex and it may take a while learning all the hardware resources you need to play the best games of today. You don’t want a regular setup that’s just suitable for office or home use. You’ll want headphones, mouse, and a monitor for gamers.
If you’re still unsure what PC to get, we recommend getting budget gaming PCs like Dell or Alienware. Then try out the games you like and see if it offers the gaming experience you’re looking for.
Play with Friends
New gamers will find gaming more rewarding and fun with friends. Find friends you know who loves games as much as you do or try to make new friends by joining communities of your favorite games! You’ll most likely find a person in there with the same interests and passion for gaming.
Being part of a social gaming community can be one of the most fun and exciting experiences as a gamer. It will also help you feel like less of a novice in the game you’re trying to master.
Important Tip: Don’t know where to find online friends? Explore gaming forums! Try to ask questions and answer some too to establish relationships with fellow gamers. Forums can also provide you with guides that will help you do better in game!