While redesigning a website won’t automatically guarantee an increase in conversion rates, more downloads, or an increase in revenue, there are some benefits that make this investment worthwhile. Learning what these benefits are can help a person figure out why this is something they should do now, rather than waiting. Keep reading to learn more about the potential benefits of a website design and why now is a good time to make a move.
1. To Better Communicate Brand Value
One of the main reasons it’s a good idea to invest in a website design is because it will allow a business to better communicate their brand value. During the website redesign, a company has the opportunity to rewrite all the copy present, while keeping the value to the customers top-of-mind. It’s also possible to freshen up the look of the site, providing visual cues of all the benefits that are available.
2. To Ensure the Website Meets Expectations
This is one of the most obvious reasons to consider making a change to a website. Even if a business has a great looking website with elements that run well, if the company isn’t getting results, what’s the point? If a business isn’t achieving its target sales, subscriptions, or what the goal may be, then it isn’t working properly.
During the redesign, it’s important to figure out what isn’t working with the website and why it isn’t working. To do this, look at the conversion rate, along with the visitor to lead rate. Be sure to monitor customer behavior on the website and find points where people are leaving.
Is the website’s landing page attractive enough to help encourage visitors and to go to other pages? Have the pages been properly linked with one another in a cohesive manner? Is the website the brand’s identity? Has the call to action been placed in the right position on the page? During a redesign, these questions need to be considered to know what changes need to be made.
3. The Website is Slow
If a website is running slow, it probably means that the hosting service is slow or that the site has not been developed properly. If this is the situation, a business owner needs to start fixing things right away. Today, users want fast results and responses.
If the website moves slowly, chances are visitors will bounce away, which is bad for the site and for SEO. Regardless of how interactive a website is, if it doesn’t fully load within just a few seconds, it isn’t going to do very well. The good news is, there are some tools that can be used to help increase the website’s speed.
4. The Website Isn’t Responsive
The total number of people who use mobiles for internet browsing has gone up significantly in recent years. This is a trend that’s going to continue in the coming future, which means that businesses must have a site that can be viewed on these devices. A responsive website is going to accommodate all users, regardless of what platform they plan to visit on the website.
If a business doesn’t have a responsive website, it won’t work well with a mobile device or a tablet. What this means is that when a company is investing in a website redesign, they need to ensure their site is also responsive, which will help ensure customers stick around. In fact, mobile is so crucial today that Google has even recommended it, especially if the business only has a single site for customer interaction.
5. The Third-Party Tools Need to be Updated
There are many websites that use various third-party tools for their websites, but they don’t ever update them. If these tools aren’t up to modern standards, users are going to find it difficult to use them and may eventually bounce away completely. In some situations, it may be that these have resulted in the conversions slowing down.
Figure out if the tools are working well and responding properly. If there is a newer version available, it’s best to update them. In some situations, the best option is to remove a tool if there’s no update that’s available and if the tool is no longer working properly.
6. There’s No Originality on the Existing Site
What many people don’t realize is that the visuals on a site can make or break the image of a brand and show customers how serious a business is when it comes to keeping them engaged. Modern internet users are savvier and more sophisticated than they were just a few years ago.
The design and the images that are used need to be original and how the value of the business. Customers today want to see what it is really like to use the services and products offered.
There are many resources in everyone’s reach, including pictures from real customers, videos, and illustrations. All this can also help with the website ranking. It’s best to avoid the use of stock photos while investing in adding original images to the site, if possible.
Making Changes to a Website During a Redesign
It’s a good idea to make changes from time to time even if it means that a business has to invest a lot of money because the outcome is going to be well worth it. It is possible to redesign a site to help improve functionality, get an all-new design, or update the tools. There are many businesses that redesign their websites because they want to remain fresh and provide their clients with something new.
There are several tools online today that will help a person evaluate speed, design, and overall outreach, which will also help to guide the new design. By checking the performance of a website regularly, businesses can make changes and ensure their customers are able to find the information and resources needed when researching the products and services offered. If necessary, use the services of a professional to help with this redesign to achieve the best results.